Letters to the Editor


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A good choice at L&I

How encouraging to read Mark Zimmaro’s report on Mayor Cherelle Parker’s choice of Basil Merenda to be the new L&I Commissioner for Inspections, Safety and Compliance (“Prioritizing safety at L&I,” June 5).

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As the report states, Mayor Parker made the historic decision to divide Licenses and Inspections according to different purposes. She created the new role of enforcer of city building codes for safe construction and building use. This new position is intended to make safety a top priority.

From Zimmaro’s description of Merenda’s background, he seems especially qualified for this position. His education in economics and law, in addition to his long list of experience in city and state government, more than prepared him for this demanding job.

I am especially impressed that Merenda wants to prioritize the enforcement of contractors whose incompetence could endanger homeowners. He has all the right goals. We should all be rooting for his success. 

Gloria C. Endres 

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