South Philly Review

Adopt sweet Alma

Alma, about 6 years old, is a throwaway mama who is a 60-pound, healthy, smart, loving girl. She is a low-energy queen who would...

Letters to the Editor

Fortunate to have Historic Philadelphia Inc. As a retired Philadelphia school teacher and former Temple adjunct, I was delighted to read last week’s front-page report by Tom Waring...

Around Town

PUFF Festival celebrates 9 years at Theatre Exile The Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival is back to celebrate its ninth year as South Philadelphia’s "DIY film...

Community Calendar

August 14 Witness to Revolution: The Unlikely Travels of Washington's Tent Museum of the American Revolution, 101 S. 3rd St. Through Jan. 5, 2025. 11...

Ukrainian Folk Festival on Aug. 25

The Ukrainian Folk Festival will take place on Sunday, Aug. 25, from noon to 8 p.m., at the Ukrainian American Sport Center -- Tryzub,...

Letters to the Editor

Enforce bike safety rules It was with great sympathy that I read Mark Zimmaro’s report on the recent protest to make bike riding safer in the city...

A family affair